Absolutely Desperate I Was Driven To Make Money Online!
That nightmare where I couldn't pay the rent or my bills or had absolutely no idea where my next paycheck was coming from almost seems unreal these days.
Truth be told nowadays I do whatever I want. Most days I wake up very late in the morning (or early afternoon depending on my mood) and if I feel like it I drag myself into the office for an hour or so of extremely effortless work.
As if my life couldn't get any sweeter I have to tell you that my office is about 100 feet from my bedroom in my house. it's my study!
My apologies! As usual I have started this narrative at the end of the story not at the beginning so permit me to correct that error by going back to the beginning. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
This is how it all started...well kinda. A couple of weeks ago my buddy James and I were chatting at some cocktail shindig and soon enough we were knee deep discussing the terrible state of the economy. Both of us knew people who had been devastated by the downturn of the economy and not matter what the national polls and popular news accounts said about a rebound we both agreed that this may have been so for those fatcats on Wall Street who caused this mess in the first place, but certainly not for the average hardworking individual.
Things at his place were manageable but he couldn't say that they were great. Christine his wife had lost her job and he couldn't say for certain that his own job was secure. Just last week his close buddy had been let go. Besides they had two kids in college and a single paycheck just couldn't cover it! The harsh reality was that job security for most people was a thing that no longer existed.
For a while we were both lost in our own thoughts and then he asked how was it that I seemed to be doing so well when everybody else's world was collapsing? Somewhat guiltily I told him that things had never been better for me. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! Talk about a look of utter disbelief. Well cutting a long story short I started narrating how some time back things were so bad for me that I was forced to make money online or sink.
Existing A Life of No Existence!
Three years back I worked two back-breaking and mind-numbing jobs to make sure my family weren't on the streets. You'd think that being bone tired every waking hour would mean that getting to sleep would be the easiest thing in the world. Perhaps so, but not in my world. I had to numb myself with sleeping pills just to doze for a few hours. Crazy huh! It doesn't take a genius to figure out that staying alert and awake after so little sleep mixed with sleeping pills was no walk in the park. I did it by literally submerging myself in the yukkiest, strongest coffee to be had this side of hell.
Even then I worried that such a lifestyle was leading me to an early grave. But you know what? I had bigger worries, namely that there was food on the table and a roof over my family.
Oh! Yet in spite of my best efforts and intentions life seemed to go from bad to worse. My wife and I could no longer see eye to eye because our whole lives then revolved around money; or its lack thereof. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
Highway To The Grave!
I lived in that fashion for far longer than I care to remember and possibly might still be doing so today had it not been for the fact that one day I was diagnosed as having hypertension.
I was in utter disbelief when the doc told me that I was suffering from sever hypertension. The doctor was calm, professional and reassuring but I was having none of it! How could I possibly be hypertensive?
Other than the sleep deprivation I had never felt better... I never smoked...drank only a little and never had a history of hypertension in my family. Besides I had barely turned thirty! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
Eventually it was determined that stress was the cause of my hypertension.
Those nights I lay awake wondering where, when and if I was going to make a money that week, it definitely took a heavy toll. Fact was if I continued the way I was going there was a strong chance I would be dead before the year was through!
That was when I decided to turn to the web to make money online!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
From The Bottom Of The Pit To Internet Money Success
Remember when the economic meltdown happened we were told that several hundred billions in bailout money would rejuvenate and revive everything. Well that was way back in 2008 and the only thing that has really happened is that it is business as usual for Wall Street while the rest of us on Main Street rot!
Do I sound bitter? You bet I do! Having recently watched the excellent documentary "Inside Job" more than ever now I realize how we were duped by bankers, big business and the Government.
It was the con of the century! From what little we know now the big boys were all on the take. Rating Agencies were being paid big bucks by the very companies they were supposed to rate, the incentive being that the better the rating you give us the more money we will throw your way! In the Housing and mortgage debacle things were just as bad.
Mortgages of several million dollars were being awarded to indviduals with absolutely no equity or hope of repaying their loans. Some such ridiculous mortagage loans include the Walmart floor sweeper who cleared for a mortgage loan worth $5,000,000!
The reason why all this insanity could take place was because of the very shady little understood thing called derivatives (something that even bank industry insiders themselves don't understand).
Okay so what has all this to do with you...and the reason you are reading this article? Well it's because when the economy dived deep south I lost my job and practically everything else. This is my story about how I crawled from that very deep and dark place to run a successful internet business and make money online!
It has been a while now since I have had to worry about such things as paying the rent, paying bills and if, where and when my next pay check is going to come from.
In fact these days I pretty much do as I please! I really love my mornings! How many people can honestly say that. and here's why I love them. I don't have to get in the morning; in fact I don't. I crawl outta bed in the early afternoon!
Here's another great thing about my life today; my office is next door to my bedroom. It's my study!
However let me start this story properly and not back to front. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
This is how it all started...well kinda.
A couple of weeks ago my buddy Jonathan and I were chatting at some cocktail shindig and soon enough we were knee deep discussing the terrible state of the economy. Having both agreed that a recession was firmly rooted in place, we then swapped stories about people we knew who had been personally and deeply affected by the downturn in the economy.
Jonathan remarked that so far he had survived the worst of it and was pretty sure that his job was secure for now, but he couldn't help wondering how long that would last if things got any worse. Decent folk were being fired all over the nation simply because the economy had tanked.
After a moment of silence Jonathan noted that I didn't seem particularly upset or affected by the recession and I quietly conceded that I wasn't. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! You should have seen the look on his face. Anyway I then proceeded to tell him how I started to make internet money a few years back.
Living A Handout Existence!
A few years ago I worked 15 hours every single day just to make ends meet. So it's little wonder that I was constantly sleep deprived. But do you know what the funny thing was? I still couldn't get to sleep when I lay down. Crazy huh! As if things weren't already bad enough, I then had to counter those sleeping pills and lack of sleep with mug after mug of coffee that would make even a cowboy cringe.
Was I worried that I was destroying my health? Heck yeah! But I was more worried about not being able to provide for my family.
Oh! And don't even get me started on how the situation was corroding my marriage. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
Hightailing It To An Early Grave!
It's strange to think baout it now, how a serious medical condition ended up saving my life. I shuddder to think that if I hadn't been diagnosed with severe hypertension I would still be leading that futile ratrace that my life had become.
I was in utter disbelief when the doc told me that I was suffering from sever hypertension. To say that I was shocked is the understatement of the century! I was in complete utter disbelief.
I was in excellent shape... I drank only occasionally...was never a smoker and because of my jobs did more than plenty enough exercise. Topping that I was just 30 years old! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
For along time I was angry at the doctor who had diagnosed me. That's right after a battery of tests I now accepetd that I had hypertension but I still felt cheated. I didn't lead the polluted lifestyle like binge drinking and smoking that commonly ended in hypertension.
I simply couldn't continue the way I had been living...that is if I wished to continue living. I had to ger rid of the stress and the only way I could do that was to make more money without digging my own grave at the same time.
And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing had very little to do with living! So it was there and then that I decided I was going to start my very own online business to make money enough with which to lead the lifestyle I had always dreamed!
Do I sound bitter? You bet I do! Having recently watched the excellent documentary "Inside Job" more than ever now I realize how we were duped by bankers, big business and the Government.
It was the con of the century! From what little we know now the big boys were all on the take. Rating Agencies were being paid big bucks by the very companies they were supposed to rate, the incentive being that the better the rating you give us the more money we will throw your way! In the Housing and mortgage debacle things were just as bad.
Mortgages of several million dollars were being awarded to indviduals with absolutely no equity or hope of repaying their loans. Some such ridiculous mortagage loans include the Walmart floor sweeper who cleared for a mortgage loan worth $5,000,000!
The reason why all this insanity could take place was because of the very shady little understood thing called derivatives (something that even bank industry insiders themselves don't understand).
Okay so what has all this to do with you...and the reason you are reading this article? Well it's because when the economy dived deep south I lost my job and practically everything else. This is my story about how I crawled from that very deep and dark place to run a successful internet business and make money online!
It has been a while now since I have had to worry about such things as paying the rent, paying bills and if, where and when my next pay check is going to come from.
In fact these days I pretty much do as I please! I really love my mornings! How many people can honestly say that. and here's why I love them. I don't have to get in the morning; in fact I don't. I crawl outta bed in the early afternoon!
Here's another great thing about my life today; my office is next door to my bedroom. It's my study!
However let me start this story properly and not back to front. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
This is how it all started...well kinda.
A couple of weeks ago my buddy Jonathan and I were chatting at some cocktail shindig and soon enough we were knee deep discussing the terrible state of the economy. Having both agreed that a recession was firmly rooted in place, we then swapped stories about people we knew who had been personally and deeply affected by the downturn in the economy.
Jonathan remarked that so far he had survived the worst of it and was pretty sure that his job was secure for now, but he couldn't help wondering how long that would last if things got any worse. Decent folk were being fired all over the nation simply because the economy had tanked.
After a moment of silence Jonathan noted that I didn't seem particularly upset or affected by the recession and I quietly conceded that I wasn't. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! You should have seen the look on his face. Anyway I then proceeded to tell him how I started to make internet money a few years back.
Living A Handout Existence!
A few years ago I worked 15 hours every single day just to make ends meet. So it's little wonder that I was constantly sleep deprived. But do you know what the funny thing was? I still couldn't get to sleep when I lay down. Crazy huh! As if things weren't already bad enough, I then had to counter those sleeping pills and lack of sleep with mug after mug of coffee that would make even a cowboy cringe.
Was I worried that I was destroying my health? Heck yeah! But I was more worried about not being able to provide for my family.
Oh! And don't even get me started on how the situation was corroding my marriage. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
Hightailing It To An Early Grave!
It's strange to think baout it now, how a serious medical condition ended up saving my life. I shuddder to think that if I hadn't been diagnosed with severe hypertension I would still be leading that futile ratrace that my life had become.
I was in utter disbelief when the doc told me that I was suffering from sever hypertension. To say that I was shocked is the understatement of the century! I was in complete utter disbelief.
I was in excellent shape... I drank only occasionally...was never a smoker and because of my jobs did more than plenty enough exercise. Topping that I was just 30 years old! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
For along time I was angry at the doctor who had diagnosed me. That's right after a battery of tests I now accepetd that I had hypertension but I still felt cheated. I didn't lead the polluted lifestyle like binge drinking and smoking that commonly ended in hypertension.
I simply couldn't continue the way I had been living...that is if I wished to continue living. I had to ger rid of the stress and the only way I could do that was to make more money without digging my own grave at the same time.
And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing had very little to do with living! So it was there and then that I decided I was going to start my very own online business to make money enough with which to lead the lifestyle I had always dreamed!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Need A Good Reason To Make Money From Home
So if you're being totally honest with yourself why is it that you haven't set up shop online and started your own internet business?
I mean cummon...surely you know that once set up the whole shebang runs on autopilot! Okay I get it you are scared you will be scammed right? No...hmmmm, lemme see then. Okay I got it...you're scared that you will fail right?
Look there's no harm in failure, in fact most of todays greatest success stories blossomed through failure. And besides there is a saying that goes: it is better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all!
Anyway this narrative is about my very own story how I got started with my online web marketing business and trust I have nver looked back or had regrets!
These days it really seems unbelievable that there was time I couldn't pay my rent, was drowning from unpaid bills and to top it all had no idea where the next payday would come from.
Truth be told nowadays I do whatever I want. No longer do I have to get up early in the morning to go slave out a job that I hate. Look I get up really late in the morning or anytime that I wish.
Oh did I mention that my office is just down the hall because it is it's my study!
However let me start this story properly and not back to front. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
This is how it all started; well kinda. A couple of weeks ago my buddy James and I were chatting at some cocktail shindig and soon enough we were knee deep discussing the terrible state of the economy. We were in totally agreement that a recession was rooted firmly in place never mind the fact that the government and the media were saying otherwise.
James told me about his brother-in-law who had lost his job and now his house was in foreclosure. Things for him he said were not that bad be nobody was certain about tomorrow anymore especially when people were losing jobs left, right and center. Plain truth of the matter was that people were losing their jobs everyday!
We fell into a momnet of silence lost in our own thoughts when james hesitantly asked me how was it that my family and I appeared not to have been affected by the deep-six of the economy. I confided to him the reason was because the tanking of the economy hadn't affected me at all.
Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! If there was ever an expression that best captured sheer astonishment, it was the look on his face. That's when I told him that some years ago I was so desperate I was left with no option but to make money online.
A Short Breath Away From Living On The Street!
In the not too distant past I used to work three jobs to make sure my family had a roof over their heads. You'd think that being bone tired every waking hour would mean that getting to sleep would be the easiest thing in the world. Perhaps so, but not in my world. I had to numb myself with sleeping pills just to doze for a few hours. Crazy huh! Making matters worse, I then had to literally drown myself in coffee to attain a minimal state of wakefulness, enough so as to be able to do my job.
Even then I worried that such a lifetsyle was leading me to an early grave. But you know what? I had bigger worries, namely that there was food on the table and a roof over my family.
Oh! Yet in spite of my best efforts and intentions life seemed to go from bad to worse. My wife and I could no longer see eye to eye because our whole lives then revolved around money; or its lack thereof. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
On The Fast Track To An Early Grave!
No doubt about it...my lifestyle was unhealthy. It is well-known that lack of sleep leads to many health problems and that's precisely what happened to me. Oh, let's not forget the bucket loads of coffee that I was quashing everyday too!
If anybody had told me that I had hypertension I would have laughed at them. In fact that's what I did when the doctor told me; until I realized that he wasn't joking! You must be mistaken I said to the doctor.
I was in good shape... I never smoked...drank only a little and never had a history of hypertension in my family. Besides I had barely turned thrity! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
In the end the simple truth was that the stress of my existence led to my hypertension.
Those nights I lay awake wondering where, when and if I was going to make a money that week, it definitely took a heavy toll. Fact was if I continued the way I was going there was a strong chance I would be dead before the year was through!
And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing was subsisiting let alone living!
Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:
Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?
Foolish of me to ask--of course you do!
I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:
Live The Life That You Always Wanted!
Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?
The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!
As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.
And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!
I Was Left No Other Option But To Make Money Online!
I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed money and I needed it yesterday!
But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.
I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.
So I turned to the internet did some research and learned how to make money online. The rest, as the saying goes, is history!
I mean cummon...surely you know that once set up the whole shebang runs on autopilot! Okay I get it you are scared you will be scammed right? No...hmmmm, lemme see then. Okay I got it...you're scared that you will fail right?
Look there's no harm in failure, in fact most of todays greatest success stories blossomed through failure. And besides there is a saying that goes: it is better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all!
Anyway this narrative is about my very own story how I got started with my online web marketing business and trust I have nver looked back or had regrets!
These days it really seems unbelievable that there was time I couldn't pay my rent, was drowning from unpaid bills and to top it all had no idea where the next payday would come from.
Truth be told nowadays I do whatever I want. No longer do I have to get up early in the morning to go slave out a job that I hate. Look I get up really late in the morning or anytime that I wish.
Oh did I mention that my office is just down the hall because it is it's my study!
However let me start this story properly and not back to front. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
This is how it all started; well kinda. A couple of weeks ago my buddy James and I were chatting at some cocktail shindig and soon enough we were knee deep discussing the terrible state of the economy. We were in totally agreement that a recession was rooted firmly in place never mind the fact that the government and the media were saying otherwise.
James told me about his brother-in-law who had lost his job and now his house was in foreclosure. Things for him he said were not that bad be nobody was certain about tomorrow anymore especially when people were losing jobs left, right and center. Plain truth of the matter was that people were losing their jobs everyday!
We fell into a momnet of silence lost in our own thoughts when james hesitantly asked me how was it that my family and I appeared not to have been affected by the deep-six of the economy. I confided to him the reason was because the tanking of the economy hadn't affected me at all.
Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! If there was ever an expression that best captured sheer astonishment, it was the look on his face. That's when I told him that some years ago I was so desperate I was left with no option but to make money online.
A Short Breath Away From Living On The Street!
In the not too distant past I used to work three jobs to make sure my family had a roof over their heads. You'd think that being bone tired every waking hour would mean that getting to sleep would be the easiest thing in the world. Perhaps so, but not in my world. I had to numb myself with sleeping pills just to doze for a few hours. Crazy huh! Making matters worse, I then had to literally drown myself in coffee to attain a minimal state of wakefulness, enough so as to be able to do my job.
Even then I worried that such a lifetsyle was leading me to an early grave. But you know what? I had bigger worries, namely that there was food on the table and a roof over my family.
Oh! Yet in spite of my best efforts and intentions life seemed to go from bad to worse. My wife and I could no longer see eye to eye because our whole lives then revolved around money; or its lack thereof. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
On The Fast Track To An Early Grave!
No doubt about it...my lifestyle was unhealthy. It is well-known that lack of sleep leads to many health problems and that's precisely what happened to me. Oh, let's not forget the bucket loads of coffee that I was quashing everyday too!
If anybody had told me that I had hypertension I would have laughed at them. In fact that's what I did when the doctor told me; until I realized that he wasn't joking! You must be mistaken I said to the doctor.
I was in good shape... I never smoked...drank only a little and never had a history of hypertension in my family. Besides I had barely turned thrity! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
In the end the simple truth was that the stress of my existence led to my hypertension.
Those nights I lay awake wondering where, when and if I was going to make a money that week, it definitely took a heavy toll. Fact was if I continued the way I was going there was a strong chance I would be dead before the year was through!
And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing was subsisiting let alone living!
Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:
Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?
Foolish of me to ask--of course you do!
I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:
Live The Life That You Always Wanted!
Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?
The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!
As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.
And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!
I Was Left No Other Option But To Make Money Online!
I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed money and I needed it yesterday!
But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.
I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.
So I turned to the internet did some research and learned how to make money online. The rest, as the saying goes, is history!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Turn The Internet Into Your Own ATM Cashcow
The internet is a useful tool isn't it...I mean just think of all the things one can do. You can shop for really really cheap stuff, you can find a ton of info (in other words you can research all you want without ever having to leave the comfort of your home) no wonder libraries are going out of existence.
I'm sure there are a gadzillion other uses for the internet such as watching your favorite shows and hooking up with your pals on social media websites but my question is have you ever considered the internet as a tool to make money?
No? Well don't worry that used to be me too not so long ago but today my primary usefor the internet is to make money. The following account is how my internet money adventures started:
Today it seems like eternity since I have had to fret over how I will pay my bills, handle rent and even if I will have a pay check end of the week.
Who would have ever belived it but today I do everything that I desire. Most days I wake up very late in the morning (or early afternoon depending on my mood) and if I feel like it I drag myself into the office for an hour or so of extremely effortless work.
As if my life couldn't get any sweeter I have to tell you that my office is about 100 feet from my bedroom in my house. it's my study!
My apologies! As usual I have started this narrative at the end of the story not at the beginning so permit me to correct that error by going back to the beginning. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
Anyway not so long ago I was having a barbecue at my place with my friends and neighbors when inevitably the conversation honed in on the dire situation of the economy of today. We were in totally agreement that a recession was rooted firmly in place never mind the fact that the government and the media were saying otherwise.
Things at his place were manageable but he couldn't say that they were great. Christine his wife had lost her job and he couldn't say for certain that his own job was secure. Just last week his close buddy had been let go. Besides they had two kids in college and a single paycheck just couldn't cover it! People were losing their jobs left, right and center from every sector of the economy!
After being lost in our private thoughts for a minute or two he joked that I must be a secret Wall Street trader because my world seemed as peachy as it had ever been since we became neighbours. The reason for that, I answered, was that inspite of the collapse of the economy my life had never been better. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! The expression on his face was one of utter disbelief so I knew I had to elaborate; That's when I told him that some years ago I was so desperate I was left with no option but to make money online.
Existing A Life of No Existence!
In the not too distant past I used to work three jobs to make sure my family had a roof over their heads. The weirdest thing was that despite the fact I was always tired, I still had to pop sleeping pills on a daily basis just to get to sleep. Crazy huh! Making matters worse, I then had to literally drown myself in coffee to attain a minimal state of wakefulness, enough so as to be able to do my job.
Was I worried that I was destroying my health? Heck yeah! But I was more worried about not being able to provide for my family.
Oh! Lack of sleep and lack of money has never been the recipe for a happy marriage; or family for that matter. The wife, well she couldn't stop complaining about money, then the kids started acting out. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
On The Fast Track To An Early Grave!
It's strange to think baout it now, how a serious medical condition ended up saving my life. I shuddder to think that if I hadn't been diagnosed with severe hypertension I would still be leading that futile ratrace that my life had become.
At first I thought the doctor was joking when he said that I had serious hypertension. But then it began to dawn on me that this was no joke, that's when the shock belly-punched me! To say that I was shocked is the understatement of the century! I was in complete utter disbelief.
Other than the sleep deprivation I had never felt better... I never smoked...drank only a little and never had a history of hypertension in my family. Besides I had barely turned thrity! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
The way I was living, or rather I should say that the way I was existing was determined to be the cause of my hypertension.
But even as I mentally conceded that I drastically needed to swap out my life I couldn't help worrying about the future. How was I going to make money if I couldn't continue thet way i had been before? Yup! This was certainly a vicious cycle if ever there was one.
And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing was--Existing Not Living!
Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:
Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?
Silly of me to ask--of course you do!
I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:
Live The Life That You Always Wanted!
Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?
The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!
As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.
And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!
I Was Left No Other Option But To Make Money Online!
I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed money and I needed it yesterday!
But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.
I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.
So I turned to the internet did what I had to do and duly began to get my slice of the internet money pie!
I'm sure there are a gadzillion other uses for the internet such as watching your favorite shows and hooking up with your pals on social media websites but my question is have you ever considered the internet as a tool to make money?
No? Well don't worry that used to be me too not so long ago but today my primary usefor the internet is to make money. The following account is how my internet money adventures started:
Today it seems like eternity since I have had to fret over how I will pay my bills, handle rent and even if I will have a pay check end of the week.
Who would have ever belived it but today I do everything that I desire. Most days I wake up very late in the morning (or early afternoon depending on my mood) and if I feel like it I drag myself into the office for an hour or so of extremely effortless work.
As if my life couldn't get any sweeter I have to tell you that my office is about 100 feet from my bedroom in my house. it's my study!
My apologies! As usual I have started this narrative at the end of the story not at the beginning so permit me to correct that error by going back to the beginning. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
Anyway not so long ago I was having a barbecue at my place with my friends and neighbors when inevitably the conversation honed in on the dire situation of the economy of today. We were in totally agreement that a recession was rooted firmly in place never mind the fact that the government and the media were saying otherwise.
Things at his place were manageable but he couldn't say that they were great. Christine his wife had lost her job and he couldn't say for certain that his own job was secure. Just last week his close buddy had been let go. Besides they had two kids in college and a single paycheck just couldn't cover it! People were losing their jobs left, right and center from every sector of the economy!
After being lost in our private thoughts for a minute or two he joked that I must be a secret Wall Street trader because my world seemed as peachy as it had ever been since we became neighbours. The reason for that, I answered, was that inspite of the collapse of the economy my life had never been better. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! The expression on his face was one of utter disbelief so I knew I had to elaborate; That's when I told him that some years ago I was so desperate I was left with no option but to make money online.
Existing A Life of No Existence!
In the not too distant past I used to work three jobs to make sure my family had a roof over their heads. The weirdest thing was that despite the fact I was always tired, I still had to pop sleeping pills on a daily basis just to get to sleep. Crazy huh! Making matters worse, I then had to literally drown myself in coffee to attain a minimal state of wakefulness, enough so as to be able to do my job.
Was I worried that I was destroying my health? Heck yeah! But I was more worried about not being able to provide for my family.
Oh! Lack of sleep and lack of money has never been the recipe for a happy marriage; or family for that matter. The wife, well she couldn't stop complaining about money, then the kids started acting out. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
On The Fast Track To An Early Grave!
It's strange to think baout it now, how a serious medical condition ended up saving my life. I shuddder to think that if I hadn't been diagnosed with severe hypertension I would still be leading that futile ratrace that my life had become.
At first I thought the doctor was joking when he said that I had serious hypertension. But then it began to dawn on me that this was no joke, that's when the shock belly-punched me! To say that I was shocked is the understatement of the century! I was in complete utter disbelief.
Other than the sleep deprivation I had never felt better... I never smoked...drank only a little and never had a history of hypertension in my family. Besides I had barely turned thrity! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
The way I was living, or rather I should say that the way I was existing was determined to be the cause of my hypertension.
But even as I mentally conceded that I drastically needed to swap out my life I couldn't help worrying about the future. How was I going to make money if I couldn't continue thet way i had been before? Yup! This was certainly a vicious cycle if ever there was one.
And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing was--Existing Not Living!
Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:
Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?
Silly of me to ask--of course you do!
I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:
Live The Life That You Always Wanted!
Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?
The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!
As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.
And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!
I Was Left No Other Option But To Make Money Online!
I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed money and I needed it yesterday!
But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.
I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.
So I turned to the internet did what I had to do and duly began to get my slice of the internet money pie!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Internet Money Adventures Began With A Flurry Of Bad Luck!
Life's a funny thing isn't it? One day you're cruising along merrily on your way singing badly out aloud as you chew up the miles on the highway of life then next thing...BAM! You are broadsided by an impact you never saw coming. And that's what really happened to me not too long ago. One day it seemed everything was perfect and I was living The Dream just to open my eyes to find out it had turned into the worst nightmare!
An Unforeseen String Of Bad Luck Led To My Internet Money Adventures
Today it seems like eternity since I have had to fret over how I will pay my bills, handle rent and even if I will have a pay check end of the week.
The truth of the matter is that currently I can do and actually do anything that I wish these days. No longer do I have to get up early in the morning to go slave out a job that I hate. Look I get up really late in the morning or anytime that I wish.
As if my life couldn't get any sweeter I have to tell you that my office is about 100 feet from my bedroom in my house. it's my study!
But I'm getting ahead of myself, because I'm beginning this story back to front. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
Anyway not so long ago I was having a barbecue at my place with my friends and neighbors when inevitably the conversation honed in on the dire situation of the economy of today. How ironic, we noted, that despite all the suffering and hardship we saw everywhere the media and the government had the balls to tell us the the worst of the recession was over.
Things at his place were manageable but he couldn't say that they were great. Christine his wife had lost her job and he couldn't say for certain that his own job was secure. Just last week his close buddy had been let go. Besides they had two kids in college and a single paycheck just couldn't cover it! The harsh reality was that job security for most people was a thing that no longer existed.
For a moment we were both silent then Tom wondered aloud that I did not seem particularly worried. I told him that I wasn't. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! In fact I was making more money now than I had ever made in my life.
You should have seen the look on his face. So I recounted how not too long ago my situation was so terrible circumstances forced me to make money online or become homeless.
Living The Paycheck To Paycheck Nonexistence!
Ever worked 16-hour days? Well that used to be me, seven days a week and even then I could barely cover the essentials. You'd think that being bone tired every waking hour would mean that getting to sleep would be the easiest thing in the world. Perhaps so, but not in my world.
I had to numb myself with sleeping pills just to doze for a few hours. Crazy huh! You'd think that things couldn't get any worse but the truth is I had to binge on coffee just to ensure that I attained that barest level of alertness required to do my jobs.
Even then I worried that such a life style was leading me to an early grave. But you know what? I had bigger worries, namely that there was food on the table and a roof over my family.
Oh! With everything being so tough you'd think that I'd get some kinda of break. But no such luck! Things at home were bad and it looked like my marriage was unraveling right before my eyes. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
Gunning To Early Retirement In A Cement Suit!
I lived in that fashion for far longer than I care to remember and possibly might still be doing so today had it not been for the fact that one day I was diagnosed as having hypertension.
If anybody had told me that I had hypertension I would have laughed at them. In fact that's what I did when the doctor told me; until I realized that he wasn't joking! I told the doctor there had to be some mistake!
I was in good shape... Perhaps if I smoked, drank heavily, was overweight or had a family history of hypertension then and only then would I reluctantly concede that I was suffering from hypertension. But I suffered from none of those hallmarks! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
For along time I was angry at the doctor who had diagnosed me. That's right after a battery of tests I now accepted that I had hypertension but
I still felt cheated. I didn't lead the polluted lifestyle like binge drinking and smoking that commonly ended in hypertension.
Hindsight makes it crystal clear today how all that constant worrying about money and trying to make it led me to that point in the doctor's office. It then dawned on me that I couldn't continue living like this!
And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing couldn't be called living by any stretch of the imagination!
Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:
Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?
Silly of me to ask--of course you do!
I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:
Live The Life That You Always Wanted!
Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?
The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!
As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.
And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!
Backed Up Against A Hard Spot My Only Option Was To Make Money Online!
I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed to make money somehow and I needed it yesterday!
But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.
I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.
So I turned to the internet did some research and learned how to make money online. And simply put that is how my internet money adventures took off when I started my first internet business.
An Unforeseen String Of Bad Luck Led To My Internet Money Adventures
Today it seems like eternity since I have had to fret over how I will pay my bills, handle rent and even if I will have a pay check end of the week.
The truth of the matter is that currently I can do and actually do anything that I wish these days. No longer do I have to get up early in the morning to go slave out a job that I hate. Look I get up really late in the morning or anytime that I wish.
As if my life couldn't get any sweeter I have to tell you that my office is about 100 feet from my bedroom in my house. it's my study!
But I'm getting ahead of myself, because I'm beginning this story back to front. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
Anyway not so long ago I was having a barbecue at my place with my friends and neighbors when inevitably the conversation honed in on the dire situation of the economy of today. How ironic, we noted, that despite all the suffering and hardship we saw everywhere the media and the government had the balls to tell us the the worst of the recession was over.
Things at his place were manageable but he couldn't say that they were great. Christine his wife had lost her job and he couldn't say for certain that his own job was secure. Just last week his close buddy had been let go. Besides they had two kids in college and a single paycheck just couldn't cover it! The harsh reality was that job security for most people was a thing that no longer existed.
For a moment we were both silent then Tom wondered aloud that I did not seem particularly worried. I told him that I wasn't. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! In fact I was making more money now than I had ever made in my life.
You should have seen the look on his face. So I recounted how not too long ago my situation was so terrible circumstances forced me to make money online or become homeless.
Living The Paycheck To Paycheck Nonexistence!
Ever worked 16-hour days? Well that used to be me, seven days a week and even then I could barely cover the essentials. You'd think that being bone tired every waking hour would mean that getting to sleep would be the easiest thing in the world. Perhaps so, but not in my world.
I had to numb myself with sleeping pills just to doze for a few hours. Crazy huh! You'd think that things couldn't get any worse but the truth is I had to binge on coffee just to ensure that I attained that barest level of alertness required to do my jobs.
Even then I worried that such a life style was leading me to an early grave. But you know what? I had bigger worries, namely that there was food on the table and a roof over my family.
Oh! With everything being so tough you'd think that I'd get some kinda of break. But no such luck! Things at home were bad and it looked like my marriage was unraveling right before my eyes. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
Gunning To Early Retirement In A Cement Suit!
I lived in that fashion for far longer than I care to remember and possibly might still be doing so today had it not been for the fact that one day I was diagnosed as having hypertension.
If anybody had told me that I had hypertension I would have laughed at them. In fact that's what I did when the doctor told me; until I realized that he wasn't joking! I told the doctor there had to be some mistake!
I was in good shape... Perhaps if I smoked, drank heavily, was overweight or had a family history of hypertension then and only then would I reluctantly concede that I was suffering from hypertension. But I suffered from none of those hallmarks! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
For along time I was angry at the doctor who had diagnosed me. That's right after a battery of tests I now accepted that I had hypertension but
I still felt cheated. I didn't lead the polluted lifestyle like binge drinking and smoking that commonly ended in hypertension.
Hindsight makes it crystal clear today how all that constant worrying about money and trying to make it led me to that point in the doctor's office. It then dawned on me that I couldn't continue living like this!
And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing couldn't be called living by any stretch of the imagination!
Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:
Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?
Silly of me to ask--of course you do!
I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:
Live The Life That You Always Wanted!
Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?
The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!
As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.
And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!
Backed Up Against A Hard Spot My Only Option Was To Make Money Online!
I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed to make money somehow and I needed it yesterday!
But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.
I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.
So I turned to the internet did some research and learned how to make money online. And simply put that is how my internet money adventures took off when I started my first internet business.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
This Is The Time To Get Your Slice Of Internet Money
With the economy still in such bad health and with no obvious signs of improvement in the near future it is little wonder that more and more people are losing their positions in an ever shrinking job market.
But there actually is one ray of hope in this dark horizon of dismay and that is that nowadays anybody can start up an internet business for virtually pittance. So why even bother starting your own business?
Well unless you are independently wealthy and have no need for a supplemental income or a full time income at that, here then are a number of excellent reasons to start gunning for internet money:
A Number Of Great Reasons To Start Getting Your Share Of Internet Money
1. Setting up An Internet Business Obligates Small To Virtually No Setup Costs
There's certainly one useful consideration which results from all this competition and that is it pushes down consumer or end-user prices. Happily that is precisely what occurred online. Not too long ago if you planned to are blessed with an internet business the setup price tags were pretty high. Then again that was then and today, well is today!
At this point in time if you want to conduct your own personal internet business the figures are entirely negligible and are of the subsequent:
Getting hold of A Domain Name: You will need to obtain a domain name to claim your own URL or website.
Domain name registration is done on a annually basis however you can register your domain name for more than a year (which is actually better) and your overall expenses will be less. Take careful note that the domain name typically belongs to you as long as you keep renewing your registration fees and anytime you fail to complete that your domain name will be auctioned
Hence with that in mind it is in your interest to register your domain name with a experienced domain name registrar.
Web Hosting Management: Web hosting service fees used to be a considerable money drain! I can recall at the time I first started internet business marketing my web fees came to a terrifying 25/month for hosting on a shared server with next to no support or features whatever!
Fortunately, once again, thanks to competitors and the proliferation of top notch web hosting services all over the internet web hosting costs have essentially nose-dived. These days you can pick up excellent quality web hosting with pretty much all the attributes for less than 4 dollars. And I am talking about hosting from well-established, reputable web hosting companies that are guaranteed to be available until the death of the internet.
2. When Setup And Established Your Internet Business Will Run On Autopilot
Conceivably one of the foremost benefits of having your own internet business is that once it is assembled and properly established it will pretty much work on its own, empowering you to make money online on a daily cycle like your very own personal online ATM or cash cow.
3. You Don't Need To have Your Own Product To Run A Successful Internet Business
Generally the principal hurdle that tends to frighten off the average individual from starting an internet business is the obstacle of them not having a product or service to sell. Though therein lies the miracle of online marketing, your internet business can be nothing more than promoting other people's products or services.
This sort of internet marketing is referred to as affiliate marketing and is the system that many are utilizing to make their financial goals come to pass. Look competition on the internet is not getting any smaller; by gunning for your own slice of internet money you will see your efforts rewarded sooner!
But there actually is one ray of hope in this dark horizon of dismay and that is that nowadays anybody can start up an internet business for virtually pittance. So why even bother starting your own business?
Well unless you are independently wealthy and have no need for a supplemental income or a full time income at that, here then are a number of excellent reasons to start gunning for internet money:
A Number Of Great Reasons To Start Getting Your Share Of Internet Money
1. Setting up An Internet Business Obligates Small To Virtually No Setup Costs
There's certainly one useful consideration which results from all this competition and that is it pushes down consumer or end-user prices. Happily that is precisely what occurred online. Not too long ago if you planned to are blessed with an internet business the setup price tags were pretty high. Then again that was then and today, well is today!
At this point in time if you want to conduct your own personal internet business the figures are entirely negligible and are of the subsequent:
Getting hold of A Domain Name: You will need to obtain a domain name to claim your own URL or website.
Domain name registration is done on a annually basis however you can register your domain name for more than a year (which is actually better) and your overall expenses will be less. Take careful note that the domain name typically belongs to you as long as you keep renewing your registration fees and anytime you fail to complete that your domain name will be auctioned
Hence with that in mind it is in your interest to register your domain name with a experienced domain name registrar.
Web Hosting Management: Web hosting service fees used to be a considerable money drain! I can recall at the time I first started internet business marketing my web fees came to a terrifying 25/month for hosting on a shared server with next to no support or features whatever!
Fortunately, once again, thanks to competitors and the proliferation of top notch web hosting services all over the internet web hosting costs have essentially nose-dived. These days you can pick up excellent quality web hosting with pretty much all the attributes for less than 4 dollars. And I am talking about hosting from well-established, reputable web hosting companies that are guaranteed to be available until the death of the internet.
2. When Setup And Established Your Internet Business Will Run On Autopilot
Conceivably one of the foremost benefits of having your own internet business is that once it is assembled and properly established it will pretty much work on its own, empowering you to make money online on a daily cycle like your very own personal online ATM or cash cow.
3. You Don't Need To have Your Own Product To Run A Successful Internet Business
Generally the principal hurdle that tends to frighten off the average individual from starting an internet business is the obstacle of them not having a product or service to sell. Though therein lies the miracle of online marketing, your internet business can be nothing more than promoting other people's products or services.
This sort of internet marketing is referred to as affiliate marketing and is the system that many are utilizing to make their financial goals come to pass. Look competition on the internet is not getting any smaller; by gunning for your own slice of internet money you will see your efforts rewarded sooner!
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