Remember when the economic meltdown happened we were told that several hundred billions in bailout money would rejuvenate and revive everything. Well that was way back in 2008 and the only thing that has really happened is that it is business as usual for Wall Street while the rest of us on Main Street rot!
Do I sound bitter? You bet I do! Having recently watched the excellent documentary "Inside Job" more than ever now I realize how we were duped by bankers, big business and the Government.
It was the con of the century! From what little we know now the big boys were all on the take. Rating Agencies were being paid big bucks by the very companies they were supposed to rate, the incentive being that the better the rating you give us the more money we will throw your way! In the Housing and mortgage debacle things were just as bad.
Mortgages of several million dollars were being awarded to indviduals with absolutely no equity or hope of repaying their loans. Some such ridiculous mortagage loans include the Walmart floor sweeper who cleared for a mortgage loan worth $5,000,000!
The reason why all this insanity could take place was because of the very shady little understood thing called derivatives (something that even bank industry insiders themselves don't understand).
Okay so what has all this to do with you...and the reason you are reading this article? Well it's because when the economy dived deep south I lost my job and practically everything else. This is my story about how I crawled from that very deep and dark place to run a successful internet business and make money online!
It has been a while now since I have had to worry about such things as paying the rent, paying bills and if, where and when my next pay check is going to come from.
In fact these days I pretty much do as I please! I really love my mornings! How many people can honestly say that. and here's why I love them. I don't have to get in the morning; in fact I don't. I crawl outta bed in the early afternoon!
Here's another great thing about my life today; my office is next door to my bedroom. It's my study!
However let me start this story properly and not back to front. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.
This is how it all started...well kinda.
A couple of weeks ago my buddy Jonathan and I were chatting at some cocktail shindig and soon enough we were knee deep discussing the terrible state of the economy. Having both agreed that a recession was firmly rooted in place, we then swapped stories about people we knew who had been personally and deeply affected by the downturn in the economy.
Jonathan remarked that so far he had survived the worst of it and was pretty sure that his job was secure for now, but he couldn't help wondering how long that would last if things got any worse. Decent folk were being fired all over the nation simply because the economy had tanked.
After a moment of silence Jonathan noted that I didn't seem particularly upset or affected by the recession and I quietly conceded that I wasn't. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! You should have seen the look on his face. Anyway I then proceeded to tell him how I started to make internet money a few years back.
Living A Handout Existence!
A few years ago I worked 15 hours every single day just to make ends meet. So it's little wonder that I was constantly sleep deprived. But do you know what the funny thing was? I still couldn't get to sleep when I lay down. Crazy huh! As if things weren't already bad enough, I then had to counter those sleeping pills and lack of sleep with mug after mug of coffee that would make even a cowboy cringe.
Was I worried that I was destroying my health? Heck yeah! But I was more worried about not being able to provide for my family.
Oh! And don't even get me started on how the situation was corroding my marriage. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!
Hightailing It To An Early Grave!
It's strange to think baout it now, how a serious medical condition ended up saving my life. I shuddder to think that if I hadn't been diagnosed with severe hypertension I would still be leading that futile ratrace that my life had become.
I was in utter disbelief when the doc told me that I was suffering from sever hypertension. To say that I was shocked is the understatement of the century! I was in complete utter disbelief.
I was in excellent shape... I drank only occasionally...was never a smoker and because of my jobs did more than plenty enough exercise. Topping that I was just 30 years old! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!
For along time I was angry at the doctor who had diagnosed me. That's right after a battery of tests I now accepetd that I had hypertension but I still felt cheated. I didn't lead the polluted lifestyle like binge drinking and smoking that commonly ended in hypertension.
I simply couldn't continue the way I had been living...that is if I wished to continue living. I had to ger rid of the stress and the only way I could do that was to make more money without digging my own grave at the same time.
And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing had very little to do with living! So it was there and then that I decided I was going to start my very own online business to make money enough with which to lead the lifestyle I had always dreamed!
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