Sunday, February 27, 2011

My situation Was So Bad I Had To Make Money Online!

It has been a while now since I have had to worry about such things as paying the rent, paying bills and if, where and when my next pay check is going to come from.

In fact these days I pretty much do as I please! Most people I guess cannot stand their mornings but I gotta be honest with you nowadays I simply love mine. But that was not always the case because back then I had to get up at an ungodly hour.

Oh did I mention that my office is just down the hall. It's my study!

However let me start this story properly and not back to front. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.

So my good friend Frank was over at my place for a small gathering when unsurprisingly we started discussing the woeful state of the economy.

Both of us knew people who had been devastated by the downturn of the economy and not matter what the national polls and popular news accounts said about a rebound we both agreed that this may have been so for those fat-cats on Wall Street who caused this mess in the first place, but certainly not for the average hardworking individual.

Bill remarked that so far he had survived the worst of it and was pretty sure that his job was secure for now, but he couldn't help wondering how long that would last if things got any worse. People were losing their jobs left, right and center from every sector of the economy!

A minute or two of silence elapsed then Frank remarked how was it that I seemed little affected by the downturn of the economy. I guiltily admitted to him that was because the collapse of the economy hadn't affected me. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! You should have seen the look on his face. Without further ado I revealed to him that 3 years ago I was in such a bad place that I was literally in a spot where it was make money online or disappear.

Living Paycheck To Paycheck!

A few years ago I worked 15 hours every single day just to make ends meet. Wackiest aspect of constantly working was that when it was time to sleep I had to down sleeping pills to tranquilize myself to sleep.

Crazy huh! Compounding an already messed up situation I then had to down coffee after coffee ot keep my eyes barely open.

I was pretty sure I wasn't doing my health any favors but that was the price I had to pay living in the paycheck-to-paycheck universe.

Oh! Despite everything I did though live wasn't getting any better at home. The wife and I we constantly squabbled about money or more accurately how to make money; at least enough of it. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!

Highway To The Grave!

I led that unhealthy lifestyle far longer than I care to recall and the scariest thing is that I could still be in that hole if I hadn't gotten diagnosed with severe hypertension!

I was shocked! You must be mistaken I said to the doctor.

I didn't have headaches, I never felt dizzy or light headed in fact other than feeling tired I felt 100%... I drank only occasionally...was never a smoker and because of my jobs did more than plenty enough exercise.
Topping that I was just 30 years old! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!

Eventually it was determined that stress was the cause of my hypertension.

I simply couldn't continue the way I had been living...that is if I wished to continue living. I had to get rid of the stress and the only way I could do that was to make more money without digging my own grave at the same time.

And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing was--Existing Not Living!

Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:

Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?

Silly of me to ask--of course you do!

I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:

Live The Life That You Always Wanted!

Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?

The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!

As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.

And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!

Backed Up Against A Hard Spot My Only Option Was To Make Money Online!

I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed money and I needed it yesterday!

But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.

I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.

So I turned to the internet did some research and learned how to make money online. The rest, as the saying goes, is history!

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