Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Marketing War Under The Guise Of Democracy!

How To Sell A War Effectively!
I think that people in America who continue to delude themselves that Bush and his neocon pals' war is justified and right, evidently have no knowledge (or at best little) of history and the inherent danger in such thinking.

Perhaps they hold tightly to their beliefs because they think that the U.S. is almighty powerful and can traipse across the globe doing as it so pleases without consequences (another country did this in 1939 and look what happened!)

Strange though, how this situation seems to only arise with Republican Administrations...last occasion was the illegal bombing of Cambodia that ushered in the ruthless dictatorial regime of Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge. The innate danger with the irrational belief that the Iraq War was about democracy, fighting terrorism and preservation of the American way of life is that it emboldens Bush and his neocons to even greater outrages ((or at any rate it did...my how times have changed) !

Already Russia has began oiling and smoothing out its war machine and you can bet that china and India are doing the same (nuclear readiness).

It is difficult to forget how General Musharraf of Pakistan was told in no uncertain terms (by Dick Cheney if memory serves me right) that unless he did as the U.S. demanded his COUNTRY WOULD BE BOMBED BACK INTO THE STONE AGE!

Certainly none of the other nuclear powers want to find themselves having to kowtow to such threats...and they probably will never have to because they have much bigger nuclear arsenals than Pakistan...even so no harm in stocking up eh; who's to say whom the US will target next? (Better prepared than not!)

President Putin of Russia has already likened recent US activity to that of Hitler's Nazi Germany (as have many other politicians around the world) and indeed the parallels are glaring!

Bottom Line: The Us is the biggest arms producer in the world as well as the biggest arms dealer...they need to manufacture wars to make a profit from those weapons! Think about it for a second...since World War II which country has been involved in the most wars?


War is a business (very big business) and like any other business you gotta sell it emotionally not rationally (now you can see the value of 911...remember those early years following the 911 attack (2001-2004) anybody who voiced doubts about the Iraq War was shouted down as a traitor...an environment not unlike that which existed in Nazi Germany)

They say that IGNORANCE IS BLISS but with such high stakes involved Americans can no longer afford the luxury of being ignorant about history or the very dangerous foreign policy America is currently pursuing.

As things stand the United States invasion of Iraq has devastated that country and you can bet Iraq is going to be plunged into widespread ethnic genocide and chaos for decades to come (the Rwanda genocide was as a result of the colonial Belgian rulers playing one tribe off of the other...a policy that the US military has recently adopted in Iraq, pitting Sunnis against Shiites. The folly of this approach may surface years later in a ethnic war that would make the genocide happening now seem insignificant in comparison.)

The Iraq War was never about terrorism or democracy it was about OIL...period! The following link amply illustrates just how difficult it is to quench the United State's thirst for oil: OOOOH MAMA I AM JUST SOOO THIRSTY

And the only reason why Bush and his cronies insist on maintaining a military presence in Iraq is because their gamble (to sequester the 2nd biggest oil reserves in the world as the United States' backyard oil pump) has gone badly awry...

...and their fear now is that if the US pulls out of Iraq chaos will engulf the Middle East which is tantamount to waving "BYE BYE CHEAP OIL FROM SAUDI ARABIA AND THE REST OF THE Middle EAST!" (Forget the Iraqis! Bush and cronies never gave a damn about them...it was merely convenient to pretend to!)

Anyway now Bush is trying to push his Europe Missile Shield Project (for what purpose one wonders...but you can bet certainly not for good) which has agitated the Russians to the extreme!

As things stand, almost 90% of Europeans view the US as the most dangerous nation in the world and in conjunction with world terrorism, view the US as the biggest threat to world peace!

The US currently has few if any Friends left in the world (even its staunchest of allies, Britain, has distanced itself and has resigned itself from The Iraq War debacle) so it really would be foolhardy for the Bush Administration to pursue anymore unprovoked offensives in the name of democracy...NOBODY IN THE WORLD BUYS THAT LINE ANYMORE!

During WW II it was The Russian Bear (and the Russian Winter) more than anything else that defeated Adolf Hitler and I think it would be a very big mistake for the United States to underestimate Russia in the manner that Nazi Germany did (besides Russia has had several years since 911 to get its military battle ready while the US military has contrastingly weakened as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...why else do you think that Putin has been clamping down in Russia. He obviously can see the ghosts of Nazi Germany unfurling.

Russia has another big advantage, it has plenty of oil...in fact is has so much oil they actually export the stuff to Europe.

Unthinkable as it is to contemplate WW III (because of its very nature...nuclear), Bush II's foreign policy could lead the world down that path. The US though would find that uncharacteristically it is viewed as the evil doer, with few friends but many powerful nuclear-armed foes! Such a war would find the US on the losing end of the stick.

RELEVANT QUOTE: "Those Who Do Not Remember The Mistakes Of The Past Are Doomed To Repeat Them!"

On a final note you might find the following books useful: